As a Rhode Island title company, the First National Title and Escrow team understands that real estate closings can feel hectic. You must hire the right professionals for Rhode Island real estate closing services. A good title company can do much to make the process smoother and stress-free.

The average person doesn’t have a steady title company they use. Most of us only sell real estate a few times, so you don’t build that relationship. However, there are steps you can take to find the right real estate title company in Rhode Island.

Role of a Real Estate Title Company

Before searching for a title company, it can help to understand Rhode Island real estate closing services. Before closing, the title company will perform a title search and clear the title. They provide escrow services for the transaction. The title company will also facilitate the title’s transfer and record the new title. They also organize the closing process to ensure it runs smoothly for all parties.

Choose for Yourself

One important point is to make your own decision. Many buyers simply follow the recommendation of their real estate agent when selecting a title company. While the agent’s recommendation might be fine, it isn’t always the best choice. There could be a company that will serve you better. The agent might also recommend a title service because they have a business relationship with the company.

Search for Title Companies

Instead of following your agent’s recommendation, ask them to recommend three real estate title companies in Rhode Island. Along with those three, search for title services in your area online. Ask friends and family members if they recently used a title company. Build a list with a few companies to check out.

Reputation and Background

Look for qualifications such as proper licensing and industry certifications. Investigate their backgrounds and experience as a title company. Online reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the experiences of previous clients.

Compare Costs

The cost for Rhode Island real estate closing services can vary. That is one of the reasons why you should make your own choice instead of following your agent’s recommendation. Title companies base many of their fees on the property’s sale price. Even half a percent can be significant when considering a home’s cost.

Ask Questions

You’ll eventually need to call or meet with a representative from the title company. When you do, you should be ready to ask some questions. The following are questions to ask title companies:

· Do you offer remote online closings?

· Is the price all-inclusive?

· What are my options for title insurance?

· What is the turnaround time for the closing?

Real Estate Title Company in Rhode Island

First National Title and Escrow is your trusted partner for real estate closings in Rhode Island. We offer comprehensive title services to ensure a smooth transaction and fast turnaround. Reach out now to learn more about our services.